Kirby: King of comics

Just finished reading this. Wow! Jack Kirby sure got screwed by the comics industry, mostly because he was all about taking care of his family. I can get behind that.
His heirs are suing Marvel for rights to the characters he created, and while I usually am not for this stuff (ie. they didn’t do the work, why should they get the benefit?) I figure, if Marvel is still making money off them, why can’t his heirs benefit, also?
It’s a good book, with many (large) illustrations. I recommend it highly

Bookmarks for February 17th

  • I Am Dave Allen – Thinking – Radiohead and research versus media companies and the iPad – Or how a rock band schooled Rupert Murdoch and Richard Branson.

    On February 14th Radiohead announced the release of their new album The King of Limbs. You can pre-order it here if you're so inclined.

    I was reading a brief article today in which the band's manager was quoted as saying – “Our allegiances are to the band. We manage Radiohead, we don’t manage retail or labels, we just manage the band and are just trying to do the best possible thing to allow another brilliant record to be embraced by the fanbase.” I like that sentiment for many reasons.

    Something else I read recently that I like for many reasons is this – "Society is engaged in the present with solving problems of the past." That's a quote by the social scientist Jonathan Haidt taken from a NY Times article in February. In a TEDx talk that I gave last week at the University of Oregon's White Stag building in Portland, I paraphrased Haidt's quote – "Rupert Murdoch is engaged in the present in solving the financial problems of print media companies."
    Tags: tech