Category Archives: Art

Robert Strati’s Delicate Scenes in Ink Burst from Shattered Porcelain Plates — Colossal

Some beautiful work.

We often associate objects with memories—a stuffed bear reminds us of childhood playtime or a family heirloom of a beloved ancestor—but for Robert Strati, certain items also contain narratives of their own accord. The artist (previously) draws elaborate scenes that appear to burst from shattered porcelain plates as part of his Fragmented series. Perfectly matching ink to the design on the dinnerware, Strati expands the story within the vessel to the paper below, rendering large-scale, monochromatic scenes that seem to emanate from the original composition.


Source: Robert Strati’s Delicate Scenes in Ink Burst from Shattered Porcelain Plates — Colossal

Tender Interactions Emerge from Wood in Fumiya Watanabe’s Delicate Sculptures — Colossal

My work is like a diary, like a poem,” says Fumiya Watanabe, who translates daily experiences and emotions into poignant wooden sculptures. Based in Gifu, Japan, the artist studied wood carving during university, then later with a master Inami artisan. Honing a technical understanding of the medium prompted Watanabe to immortalize things he saw and experienced into delicate artworks.The artist spends time doodling in his free time, cataloguing things he has seen. “My feelings appear in various forms,” he tells Colossal. “Events in my daily life, things from the past, people around me, and the dogs and cats I live with also come to me…. I am not trying to convey some big message in my works. I just give form to what I feel. I want the viewer to freely interpret and enjoy them.”Watanabe’s work will be on view in a solo exhibition in Tokyo at msb gallery from June 13 to 23. Find more on the artist’s website, and follow updates on Instagram.

Source: Tender Interactions Emerge from Wood in Fumiya Watanabe’s Delicate Sculptures — Colossal

Monday Musings — 27MAY24

There’s more great stuff (not political) here:

His statement:

I am from Portland, Oregon and I am an artist here in the Pacific Northwest. Most of my work is figurative in nature but extends into abstract expressionism with a focus on portraiture, faces and geometric shapes.

Here’s Geir Opdal:

This is my online museum and store.  You can wander from room to room and listen to conversation between paintings.  You may also buy a signed print or an original work.

Wolff Land is the geographical state of my imagination. In my mind it is an actual place where islands are limned in gold as the sea tongues up fantastic shores.
Sphinxes wade through clear golden water among huge fields of grass (Sphinxland), hybrid dream creatures have multi canvas adventures (Catspider) and sometimes faces of friends show up (Portraits). The stories are driven by movement and color: stars unfol)d in vertical clouds over a mountainside
of blue thistles (The Mermaid’s Feet), a man wanders through a falling down house as birds fly through his heart (Waltz). But always I try to paint the
impossible: Light—light of the sun on objects, on water, the light of stars, the light around an amazing event; the light of love.


And, finally, here’s something from me: