Category Archives: Monday Musings

Monday Musings

Apple Crisp.

Got some Wolf River apples at the farmer’s market Sunday. Wolf Rivers are my favorite baking apple, They are humongous, and just the right tartness for pies and crisps, and baked apples. They bring back memories of climbing on the tree we had behind our childhood house, and eating the giant, tart apples when the tree produced.

This is one of the great thing about farmer’s market — the variety. There is stuff there, you’d never find in a regular supermarket. Also the fact that the food is grown sustainably (including the meats), it’s fresher than supermarket stuff, and better for you. You get to know the farmers, ranchers, bakers, etc.. They become friends, or at least acquaintances. Also their prices don’t go up as fast. Yes they are a bit higher, but that actually reflects the costs they incur.

Anyways the apple crisp is scrumptious.

My cardiologist recommended taking and extra bumax(water pill) on Tuesday. The next day I’d lost 6 pounds of fluid. I’ve kept that off. It didn’t do a lot in the legs, but my torso has been distended for several years now, with a large outgrowth on my left side. That’s all gone now, and I have a fairly normal looking belly. Go me! Now I have to start building muscle back. More protein and exercise.

Let’s talk about the elephant in the room for a second. Israel and Palestine/Gaza. Hamas did an a terrible thing earlier this week. It can’t be excused. The reasons for it were/are many, but the action was overly extreme, with the murder of civilians. Now Israel is going to do more of the same to the Palestinians, carrying on their decades of treating the people of Gaza like dirt under a boot heel, or worse.


Did some painting this week, and finished a couple of commissions for Jenny. Now on to other things.

Monday Musings

Monday again.

So I’m driving myself short distances again. Don’t think the girlfriend likes it, but need to do it. I am feeling mostly better, and don’t go places if I don’t feel up to it.

Had PCP appt. Thursday, with no changes.

And then to the Audubon “Bush With Nature” opening Thursday night. I don’t like meet and greet so much, but wanted to see the art on the wall. And it was like all openings, with speeches, and catered food, and booze. i don’t drink, so there went that, and on my new low-sodium diet, there was not a lot that I dared to eat, although I did find a few things. I actually knew, from way back, a couple of people there, but did not approach them, because of my massive introvert nature. Didn’t actually talk to many people. Seems that they are rotating art since the space is small, and only one pic of mine was up, but you can see all the artworks at the link above. Buy stuff, it’s for a good cause.

Friday at Cancer Care. Until 2PM. My numbers were low ,and they were trying to decide what to do. They decided to give me my IVIG, and no Velcade, since IVIG is supposed to up my immune response. Seems to be working with the new premeds for the IVIG, not as yucky feeling this weekend either.

Looking back at my calendar I see I wasn’t in the studio much this week. Only one day it seems. I did get some painting done on a project for Jenny. A good start, but not finished. Shouldn’t take more than a few more hours though. I probably did some work on the comic also, but don’t really remember. Sometimes some kind of ennui sets in and I don’t feel like doing art, which is stupid, because it’s what I love to do. But I just feel too tired to make art sometimes. Does that even make sense? I don’t know. I think it’s the chemo, that makes everything a chore. I could be wrong, and it could be psychological, not physical. Or a combination of both.

So I found a new tasty way to add some protein to my daily diet (more or less). It’s protein ice cream from Arnold Schwarzenegger. Recipe below.

I love sweets. Adam makes the best protein ice cream so that people with a sweet
tooth can eat a whole bowl and know it isn’t moving them away from their goals. In
fact, because it includes protein and healthy fats, you can eat something that tastes like
dessert and make more progress. Here it is.

  • 1 scoop protein powder of choice (we recommend chocolate flavor)
  • 1 tablespoon of almond butter or peanut butter
  • A few splashes of the dairy or non-dairy milk of choice. The more milk you add, the
    more watery/less thick it becomes.
    How to make it: Stir the three ingredients together, place in the freezer for 30 minutes,
    and that’s it. You can toss it in the fridge for a more pudding-like experience.

It has less than 200 mg sodium (170mg give or take, depends on the amount of milk you use.) so good for my low sodium diet. I used full fat real milk, and almond butter. Turned out good, although took more than a half hour in my freezer.

I think that’s about it for today. I’m waiting for meds to be delivered, and the electrician to change out some switches. Hope this finds you well, and have a great week.

Monday Musings

Well it’s Monday, and I’m trying something new. A free form review of the last week, and anything else I want to put in here.

So I was in the hospital for massive edema in the lower extremities, and got out Tuesday. Wednesday, I took paintings down to Falmouth for the Audubon art show, and sale, “Brush with Nature”. Opens October 6.

Broken Birch Cardinal and Monarch

Next day picked tomatoes and made chicken stock. Something ate my poor sunflower. And worked in the studio.

Studio work this week (Weds. – Sun) was on the Open City comic, as well as starting a new painting project, and working on some small stuff for Jenny, as presents to coworkers.

Of course Cancer Care on Friday. Saw Dr. Siddiqui, and no changes made. Hoping that the Dara isn’t what caused the edema. We’ll see.

And it’s Monday now, with little weight (ie. fluid) gain, so that is good.

Next week I’ll have more on the comic. Maybe a video, and probably some pics of inked pages.

Finished some books in the hospital.

  • Sourdough by Robin Sloan. Delightful if a somewhat weird ending.
  • Robert A Heinlein Requiem Short stories, and then remembrances of the master.
  • Still working on How the World Really Works. Rather dry, but interesting enough that I don’t want to stop reading yet.
  • Just started Telegraph Avenue by Michael Chabon, good so far.

That’s it for this week. All caught up. Hopefully next Monday there will be some actual musings.