Peter Thor becomes Dynamite Thor, an adventurer who wears a costume that allows him to propel himself through the air by blowing up sticks of dynamite located in his belt.
Been busy working on a contest that could get me an actual working art job. I’m up against real stiff competition, but you never know. I learned a lot doing this.
The competition is called 50girls50, read more about it, and see the entries, here
Here’s my six pages: Click on the pics to take you to a bigger version.
o Gallery Exhibit from Thursday, October 1 to Saturday, October 24, 2009
o Lara Sydney Framing Gallery, 1230 NW Hoyt St., Portland, OR
o A part of national Domestic Violence Awareness Month
o A precursor to WONDER WOMAN DAY on October 25, 2009
o An ALL AGES benefit and celebration for Bradley-Angle House, Raphael House of Portland, and the Portland Womens Crisis Line
o Artists from Portland and worldwide celebrate the strength, power, and grace of the world’s most iconic super-heroine
o ATTENDING artists at First Thursday Reception: Paul Gulacy, Anne Timmons, Ibrahim Moustafa, Keith Tucker, Matt Grigsby, Rich Ellis, Dylan Williams, Celina Hernandez, Mike Murphy, Jesse Hamm, Emi Lenox, Aaron McConnell, Ron Chan, Knate Carter, Tram Ngo, and Terry Blas. Plus Wonder Woman Day organizer and best-selling author Andy Mangels.
o Exhibiting Art at the gallery from:
Alex Ross — Aaron McConnell — Anne Timmons — Bob Prodor — Celina Hernandez — DJ Jackson — Dylan Williams — Emi Lenox — Ibrahim Moustafa — Jesse Hamm — Keith Perkins — Keith Tucker — Knate Carter — Linda Chartier — Lynne Anderson — Mark Bloodworth — Matt Grigsby — Maureen Gubia — Mike Murphy — Mike Pascale — Natalie Nourigat — Nicole Falk — Paul Gulacy — Rich Ellis — Rob Jones — Ron Chan — Ryan Odagawa — Terry Blas — Todd Moniz of Thunder Road Laser Graphics — Tram Ngo – and Others!
Another Tuesday, some more technique.
The great John K. creator of Ren and Stimpyhas a series on composition for cartoonists and animators. Here is a page with links to each blog post. It’s a good series, and is useful for fine artists who paint realistically, and illustrators, as well as the people they’re aimed at.
Today I’m interested in one post in particular and his small rant on why todays animations are seriously lacking.
Here is an example of what happens so often in the crazy inefficient, wasteful animation production system we have today. There are so many steps in the animation production process, where about 5 different artists all work on the same scene and each one in succession has to draw the same pose that the previous artist drew, and each time the scene gets watered down, until the final scene is completely stiff and lifeless and has lots its original purpose and meaning…
There’s more. The post is about composing your poses together and having characters interact with each other.
He illustrates with examples from animations, and cartoons/comics
He could just as easily used some examples from the fine arts. Such as:
or a couple from Rembrandt:
See how every character reacts to the others? There’s more at the links above, including negative/positive space, etc.