Kidney Stones Suck!

I passed a kidney stone today, and I’ve got to say that is one of the most painful experiences ever. I don’t ever want to do it again. (Although, since I’ve had one, I’m told I have a greater chance of getting more, bleargh!)
Here’s the culprit:

The dime is to show relative size
The dime is to show relative size

I’ve passed some more sand size ones since the pic.(The doctor gives you a strainer so you can save them, and the ycan see what kind they are, and figure out how to prevent more–although the greatest factor is hydration.)
The pain is gone now, thank goodness it passed relatively quickly.

One Small Step

and now I’m depressed. Is there any government agency more fucked up than NASA? Seriously. Not returning to the moon until 2020? We did it the first time in less than ten years, and it’s going to take another 11 years from now to do it again–when we have the infrastructure already? Let’s not talk about why we don’t already have permanent base there.
Did I mention I’m depressed?

Edward Cullen

A surprise for someone special.

Edward Cullen

12×9 inches mixed media (Ink, Watercolor, Acrylic) on watercolor paper

I’m not a big fan of Twilight, but people I know are, so there ya go.

Vice Versa

A short animation to brighten your day.  From Jacques Khouri, a professor at Savannah School of Art and Design. (Lots of good stuff coming out of there these days.)