Category Archives: Uncategorized

Why Unschoolers Grow Up to Be Entrepreneurs

This article at Foundation for Economic Education has a great explanation. Not surprisingly it’s because they don’t have their creativity and individuality stultified by a government school that glorifies conformity and order, and discourages thinking for yourself.
From the article:

As the American entrepreneur and author, Jim Rohn, once said: “Formal education will make you a living; self-education will make you a fortune.” While all of us can benefit from his advice, unschoolers have a great head start.

15 minutes of work…

Today was 15 minutes of work, and an hour of rest. Rinse. Repeat. (More or less.) This is the last week of my 5th round of chemo, and the Revlimid has got me tired over the last 3 days. Blergh. Luckily I have two more doses of it, and then a week off.

Moriarty – Anthony Horowitz

I debated posting this one at all because I was so disappointed with the ending. It was okay until the last chapter, and then lead character is revealed as Moriarty. Kind of a let down. I’m lucky and got it at a thrift shop for cheap. The link is here for Amazon, but I’d pass on this if I were you.

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Annie Dillard – The Writing Life

The description below pretty much says it. Except that Dillard can really turn a phrase.

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Ursula K Le Guin – No Time To Spare

A nice book of essays from Le Guin. Taken from her blog. The first section on aging is basically worth the price of the book.

[showbookcover isbn=”1328661598″ action=”amazon”]

Jay Defeo and The Rose

Jay Defeo worked on the massive painting, The Rose, for 8 years. When it was removed from her apartment, it basically went into storage for almost 30 years, before being restored and conserved by the Whitney museum.The artist never got to see her most famous piece hanging in a museum like she wanted. This book of essays, and photos, gives a good overview of The Rose’s and Jay Defeo’s place in art history.

[showbookcover isbn=”0520233557″ action=”amazon”]

2017-2018 Happy New Year!!

So it’s 2018 now. A new year. Time for changes, as it were. 2017 ended in a not so good way for me, I was diagnosed with Multiple Myeloma cancer on November 14th. Ive had one operation on my spine to remove a mass that was impinging my spinal cord, and causing pain, and some bad neuropathy in my legs. The operation took care of the pain, but I still don’t have full function of the legs.
I’ve been through radiation, and have started chemotherapy. This week I head for Dana-Farber in Boston, to see if I’m a candidate for stem cell replacement therapy, which has great success in long remission.
More changes in 2018. I am going on the ketogenic diet/life style. I started this already, but have not done perfectly so far. You all can help me by not sending foods with sugar, or high carb things like pasta, bread (including anything made with flour) legumes, etc.
My diet needs to cut these out, and include meat (organic grass fed/pasture raised is best, more expensive though), veggies (lots of veggies), good fats (olive oil, coconut oil, butter, ghee, avocado oil). This diet has been shown to help with, not only preventing cancer, but with battling it.
I appreciate all that everyone has done in the past 2 months, you are all great. But please try to remember I’m battling something that is never truly cured according to the doctors, and need all the advantages I can get.
Also in 2018, I’m hoping to get the brace off pretty soon, and starting on OT or PT so I might not need the walker any more.