Category Archives: Politics

Well, I wasn’t wrong after all

Auto Makers to Get $17.4 Billion –

They got more money than they asked for, with fewer strings attached, and less oversite.
Oh, and who’s the “car czar”? The guy who’s supposed to watch over all this?  why, our favorite bailout maven, who’s done such a fine job with the bank bailout–none other than Henry Paulson.

Here’s Mish’s take on it:

I wish someone would bail me out.

Mark Twain’s The Curious Republic of Gondour

This story is about democracy and why a limited (voting) franchise is better than an unrestricted one. It was first brought to my attention in Robert Heinlein’s book of essays Expanded Universe, and is quite hard to find, since it’s probably not as popular as some of Twain’s other stories. I found it online after being pointed to a different story by a different author. That is why the internets are so great.
The Curious Republic of Gondour by Mark Twain

Sculpture is RUDE

Deborah Fisher explains why public sculpture is inherently rude, and argumentative, and why it’s good to challenge our “internal notion of reality”.

A sculpture is this essentially rude thing, whose sole purpose in life is to take up space. It should therefore be unsurprising that public sculpture is, more often than not, the site of outrageous conflict, and that the overwhelming response to that inescapable fact is generally to settle on the most numbingly bland public work possible.

Health Spending to Double by 2017

from comes this article.
The headline really bugs me, because it’s such a misnomer. “Healthcare” and “health spending” is so untrue, it’s illness, or medical care, and spending.
Health spending would be on stuff like good, clean foods, exercise equipment, gym memberships, etc–stuff that keeps you healthy in other words, not spending on things to help us when we become unhealthy/sick.
I just wish that otherwise great sites, like webmd, would realize this, and stop using these euphemisms, so that people might realize that except for checkups, going to a doctor isn’t about health, but rather about sickness.


Article on WikiLeaks

Cowardice asks the question, ‘Is it safe?’ Expediency asks the question, ‘Is it politic?’ But conscience asks the question, ‘Is it right?’ And there comes a time when one must take a position that is neither safe, nor politic, nor popular but because conscience tells one it is right.

Martin Luther King Jr.
Check it out, decide for yourself.

No natural harmony of interest in society, or, you’re less free than your granpa. No natural harmony of interest in society
Well I’m sure not every single one of us is lee=ss free than our grandparents (or great grandparents), but this short blog post from Wendy McElroy brings up the point that human civilization has tended toward more freedom, and the guarantee of our basic equal human rights, throughout history–until the 20th century, where rights are no longer guaranteed, but legal walls have been put up to separate classes of people–by race sex, what have you–and rights have been replace by state-imposed privilege, and entitlement.
I think that we’re definitely in Heinlein’s “Crazy Years”, he nailed that one just about right.