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This is great! All you women ‘stampers and scrapbookers out there will love it. This will definitely get you husband into it.
Category Archives: General
World Mysteries – Strange Artifacts, The Stone Spheres of Costa Rica
More on “The Stone Spheres of Costa Rica”.
There seems to have been a lot of speculation about these since they were found, but this article cuts through the myths.
And More.
We’ve Got Big Balls
An interesting article from Natural History magazine, about perfect stone balls found in Costa Rica, in the 1950’s. The article is by an archeologist’s wife, and details the discovery, and explorations of these objects. I like that the article is from a non-scientist’s point of view, which gives us more insight into the process, than we may have had otherwise.
I’d like to know if anything else has been discovered about these in the intervening years.
Punk Rock Test
I am PUNK AS FUCK! The model punk. I care not for anything. I kick ass, but probably smell really bad.
I think I lost points because I’ve never punched out a cop, and I own a car.
Tortured Artist
By way of Art News Blog
Art is significant in my life, people are scum but I have the capicity to deal with it. Give it a few more years and I will either forget about art or hate the world.
Your very own Nuclear battery
Actually it only comes in a size that will power 25,000 homes, but hey, in Maine it would only take 20, or 30 to power the whole state. The manufacturer calls it a “battery” and not a reactor, since there’s no moving parts, and it doesn’t require an operator.
Nuke to the Future for the article about it. Here’s the website for Hyperion, the manufacturer.
Simpler Times

The smell of woodsmoke
On the cold wind,
Reminds me of:
The potbellied stove
In my grandfather’s store.
Reminds me of:
Atomic Fireballs
Burning the inside of my cheeks.
Reminds me of:
Waking up at 2 AM,
To feed the fire
Before it goes out.
Reminds me of:
Simpler times
That weren’t–
Bookeen – Cybook ePaper – the eBook reading device

This e-book reader is much nicer looking, can read non-DRMed e-books (as well as DRMed ones), and a little cheaper than the Kindle. Still too expensive for my tastes, but it is more in the right direction.
(Three years of development and the Kindle is all Amazon could come up with, when they have models like this, and the Sony e-book reader? Wow.)
(Got this from the comments on Cory Doctorow’s article trashing the Kindle, over on BoingBoing.)
Amazon: Reinventing the Book |
Amazon: Reinventing the Book |
This is a great article (7 pages, so be prepared to spend some time on it.) on the future of the physical/paper book vs the electronic book. It’s mainly about Amazon’s new Kindle, but delves deeper into what reading may look like in 20-50 years, with books, and reader, and writers being interconnected.
It all sounds wonderful (to some people anyways), and I would love to be able to store a couple hundred books in a space the size of a single paperback (and wouldn’t my wife love that 😀 ), but while the price of the books are o.k. ($9.99 or less)(on second thought, maybe that is too expensive since you can get a paperback for $7.99 and the cost of digitizing a book is much less than that, $2-$4 may be a better price range here), I can’t bring myself to pay $400 for the reader, when I can get a laptop for that price. I think when the price of the reader drops to something like $99 (or even less), it may be more palatable to readers (myself included).
There’s, also the whole DRM encumberment going on which I find very absurd. If I buy a book, I’d like to be able to lend it to someone else, just like I can now, and maybe that’s the best argument for paper books right there.
Via Slashdot (Some good comments there, by the way)
This Revolution Could Be Televised On Fox
This Revolution Could Be Televised On Fox
What amazes amuses me is that, even with the lack of balls the Democrats are showing, people still think we live in a two-party system, and that voting works. Or that the Democrats (or Republicans) actually care about what the people think.