Here’s a sketch done in Sketchbook Pro and Photoshop.
Category Archives: Art
Young Romance/Goth Love Remake
Remake Remodel: Amazing Adult Fantasy #15
Those who don’t know who Spider Jeruselum is need to go here. Then you’ll understand the joke.
2000AD #2
Since I had extra time and an other idea this week I did 2 remake/remodels. Here’s the second one.
A new web based drawing tool, which is pretty fun. Harmony
Here’s a couple of quicky sketches I did.
2000ad Cover Mock up
Another one for Whitechapel.
Perspective for Artists
Some people on Whitechapel asked for a Perspective tutorial. There’s none better than this one from the Famous Artist’s Course:
facc number 10 Perspective(PDF)
I have Perspective! For Comic Book Artists
And this was recommended by Tommy Patterson It’s $129, but looks like it’s thorough.
New artwork
A couple of sketchy type things.
Saturdays figure model session painting:
and Axe Weasel:
(Yes, I know weasels have short snouts; I claim artistic license.)
Shinto Samurai Remake Remodel
This week’s Remake/Remodel