Pen and ink 5.5×7 inches
Category Archives: Art
Silver Surfer Inks

Saw this Kirby page on the Bristolboard Tumblr and since I’ve never inked one before thought I’d like to give it a try. Digital inks, about 3 hours.
A Cat Will Occupy the Space Which is Allotted to it.
Drawing Hands–2013
It’s Herman Melville’s Birthday
So here’s a piece I did on Moby Dick:
It’s in my Etsy Shop and you can get it, and everything else in my shop 10% off with the code MELVILLE right through tomorrow.
On Painting
The power of a painting has to come from the inside out, not the outside in. It’s not just an image; it’s an image with a body, and that body has to contain its spirit. A painting, really, is made by its reason for being there. What’s behind it decides everything, It’s not just a question of attractiveness or correctness; it can’t be fixed afterwards or by additions. How it starts will define how it ends. So it’s the weight of the intention that defines everything.
–Sean Scully
Steve McQueen
BFFs — Coffee and Donuts
Halloween’s Coming
Here’s something I did during the premier of The Walking Dead last night.