Category Archives: Art

Steve Ditko RIP

I didn’t know Steve Ditko. I only met him through the pages of Spider-man, Dr. Strange, Hawk and Dove. In later years he developed Shade the Changing Man, and squirrel Girl for the big companies. His other characters include Mr. A, the Question, and many more.
He became a recluse and declined interviews in the 80sI think, and worked mostly on his own B&W comics.
He was found dead in his apartment on June 29th, and may have been dead for 2 days according to the police.

Here’s one from one of his Mr. A comics, and a tribute I did as a portrait of a friend.

Ditko Mr. A
Damien as Dr. Strange
Damien as Dr. Strange Ditko Tribute

On Doing Nothing: Finding Inspiration in Idleness By Roman Muradov

Not just about doing nothing, but about how doing stuff other than your art can help with it. I, also, read his graphic story Jacob Bladders, which is interesting, esp. the art.

[showbookcover isbn=”B079Q98MLF” action=”amazon”]

Jeanne & Modigliani: Paris in the Dark

A story that was quite common in the early 20th century, beautifully illustrated. A graphic novel not to be missed. You can only get it for Kindle or via Comixology right now, but the physical book is (supposedly) on its way.

[showbookcover isbn=”B07C3TCWPC” action=”amazon”]

Jay Defeo and The Rose

Jay Defeo worked on the massive painting, The Rose, for 8 years. When it was removed from her apartment, it basically went into storage for almost 30 years, before being restored and conserved by the Whitney museum.The artist never got to see her most famous piece hanging in a museum like she wanted. This book of essays, and photos, gives a good overview of The Rose’s and Jay Defeo’s place in art history.

[showbookcover isbn=”0520233557″ action=”amazon”]