All posts by keith

Twitter Updates for 2009-11-26

  • Anadama bread and pumpkin pie done. Excellent. #
  • RT @neilkleid: Be prepared this Thanksgiving: #
  • @Templesmith It seems weird that the rest of the world is still doing stuff while the US takes time out to gorge itself senseless. (cont.) in reply to Templesmith #
  • Oh it does that every day doesn'y it? #
  • RT @warrenellis: Here in Britain, of course, it's Thank Fuck We Got Those Weird Jesus Bastards On The Boat Day We'd like to send them back. #
  • @neilkleid Hippies? in reply to neilkleid #
  • RT @Todd_McFarlane: … It's good to smile, relax and stuff our faces with friends/family. >> Yes they taste so good! #

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