Monthly Archives: December 2008
Boring, boring, bored
Wow, it’s pretty boring around here since XMas. Not much going on. I used my Borders gift cards to buy some nice books, which should be ending up on my 101 Books list (look in my sidebar–on the right) pretty soon. One is over 900 pages, so it may be a while. Used some of the cash we got for art supplies, and eaten most of the Christmas food goodies. Those need to be gone soon, because I’m buckling down on my diet after the New Year. Which is coming right up. This has been a tough year, I’m glad it’s almost over.
Working on art works, but nothing finished, or even close right now–soon though. I do have some more drawings from my Everyone we Know book ready to go, so I may post them soon.
That’s it.
Portrait Series
Merry Christmas
more day.
Jasper johns pic.
Yesterday’s Snow
As promised.
Some pictures.
2 more days
more days ’til Xmas.
Oh yeah
more days ’til Xmas.
Image by Jasper Johns.
Sucky weather
Wow, 13 inces of snow in less than 24 hours. Merry Christmas.
At least it was lif=gt and fluffy, except where the plows packed it in, of course. The snow at the end of my driveway was about 3 feet deep, and packed in. I started to shovel it this morning after I got home from work, so we could get Jenny out and off to work, but she decided it was taken too long and walked to work, tellingme to stop and take a break “right now”. I did, and am happy that I did, because the snowplow came by about 45 minutes later, and filled what I’d shoveled right back in.
I got the driveway pretty well, and the walkway, then later asked Matt to widen out the end of the walkway, shovel out the mail box, and make a path to the cellar door. He did a superb job.
Maybe I’ll take pictures tomorrow.
That’s it from here today, except I finished Jenny’s presents today. WOOT!
Oh, and, my sister Denise brought over Xmas fudge. Another WOOT!
(We’ve got way too much junk food.)
I would like to thank
Power Moby-Dick, the Online Annotation for adding my Moby Dick piece to their Cultural Fallout of the Week spotlight, and for the twitter ( http://twitter.com/powermobydick ).
Powermobydick is a site with the full text of Mellville’s Moby Dick plus annotations on the text. I read Moby Dick for the first time about 7 or 8 years ago, and fell in love with it. If they’d made me read it in high school, though, I probably would have been put off it. It’s a great tale, wih many subtexts (the major theme is obsession, and the book is obsessional in many ways), and there is a reason that it’s a classic.