Juxtapoz Magazine – Camille Rose Garcia’s Life Work Is “The Polyphonic Fortress”

Source: Juxtapoz Magazine – Camille Rose Garcia’s Life Work Is “The Polyphonic Fortress”


There is an unmistakable escapism at work here, perhaps the one unifying theme throughout Garcia’s work. The landscapes become psychedelic escape portals where the paintings themselves transform into magical objects capable of psychic transport. In this way they differ from the earlier work that narrated the means for escape. These paintings no longer narrate escape, as much as they embody it.

The “Polyphonic Fortress” is a shimmering, ethereal love letter to the landscapes of California, from the smallest of her inhabitants and the world within them, to the greater Universes beyond. It is a record of the artist’s dreams, a spell to cure time, and a magic fort of blankets to keep the crystalline perfection of nature, protected and unchanged.


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