Rescue Bid for Detroit Collapses in Senate –
That’ll larn me.
Rescue Bid for Detroit Collapses in Senate –
That’ll larn me.
Washington Maps Pact for Bailout of Big Three –
(as does the nationalization of means of production–you folks don’t have to worry about Obama being a socialist, this government we’ve got now is right there, already.)
Meanwhile federal and state governments are cutting programs for the sick, the needy, and the children.
Merry christmas.
A grocery list:
That is all.
These rules are from Mark Twain’s wicked 1895 essay “Fenimore Cooper’s Literary Offenses”, which is mainly a criticism of Cooper’s story “The Deerslayer”.
Twain wrote: “I may be mistaken, but it does seem to me that ‘Deerslayer’ is not a work of art in any sense; it does seem to me that it is destitute of every detail that goes to the making of a work of art; in truth, it seems to me that ‘Deerslayer’ is just simply a literary delirium tremens.”
In addition to these large rules, there are some little ones. These require that the author shall:
Check out the sidebar on the right. I’ve posted new things up on Etsy, including skull keyrings, a skull pin, and a leaf clock.
Barack Obama: The 50 facts you might not know – Telegraph This is an interesting list. He’s definitely a geek (he collects Spierman and Conan comics, among other clues). His favorite book is Moby Dick, which is not my favorite, but is probably in my top 50.
And, of course (the most relevant thing for this blog), his favorite artist:
His favourite artist is Pablo Picasso
He’s intelligent, and hip, and seems to be an all around nice guy, who does mean well. I may disagree with a lot of things he’s going to be doing, but I gotta respect the man. He’s the most intellectual president we’ve had in many a decade.
Dose anyone remember what the sun looks like?