We don’t have to hear about Anna Nichole Smith 24/7 any more.
Category Archives: General
Alfred Stieglitz suggested
–when John Marin’s father suggested that the younger Marin “do salable etchings in the mornings, and his crazy watercolors in the afternoons”–” that [he] ask his new wife whether a woman could be a prostitute in the morning and a virgin in the afternoon”, which Stieglitz felt was equivalent to what Marin was asking his son to do.
That is from the sidebar of the dead tree version of this article on John Marin.
The sidebar contains a lot of good stuff, and I wish they’d put that up on the site, also.
Keep on Trucking

Those aren’t the only differences. I never finished that first one so many years ago, I gave up on it. I put some colors down, and made a science-fictional space scene, but the colors weren’t right, and I didn’t know how to mix color back then, or about underpainting, or anything really, and that was the end of that painting.
Since then, I’ve learned about color theory, underpainting, scumbling, and how to start, and (more important) how to finish a painting/piece of art, and not to give up until it’s done, or until I know it’s unsalvageably bad, at which point, I’ll start over.
I will go on and finish this painting, it may change in many ways before I’m done, but it will be done. Then I’ll go on to the next one, and then the next, and so on. And that is what it is, and what it takes, to be an artist, whether you sell your work or not, is to keep going on to the next one. It’s not about the one you’ve finished, but about the one still inside, the one yet to come.
Gravity’s Rainbow
I haven’t read Gravity’s Rainbow, but after seeing this, I think I need to.
One illustration for each page of the book.
In dead tree form: Amazon
More on Zak Smith, who happens to be a very cool dude.
Happy anniversary
Jenny and I spent our fifth anniversary having our pictures taken at Sears, and visiting the Farnsworth Art Museum, in Rockland. We got to see a bunch of Wyeth stuff, and yeehaw!!! Louise Nevelson is back in the house after a 4 year absence.
We took our picture in front of Robert Indiana’s Love sculpture:
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Viper’s Video Quicktags, a plugin for WordPress that lets you embed videos in your posts.
From the site:
This Plugins Provides Support For:
- YouTube
- Google Video
- Metacafe
- MySpace videos
- QuickTime files
- Generic video files (AVI, MPEG, WMV, etc.)
- FLV (Flash video) files (only basic support, use a dedicated FLV plugin if you want full configuration options)
It, also, helps to bypass having to get an API from wordpress.com to post youtube videos.
Thanks Viper.
The title says it all. |
My top ten cool things for 2006
Everybody else is doing top 10 lists, why not me. 😀
- wxPython
Yep, cross platform, fairly easy to learn, more powerful than Tkinter (Python’s “official” GUI toolkit). It may have some faults, but it works well for me as a noob Python programmer. - Democracy TV
The free and open source internet tv platform. There’s an opportunity to build a new, open mass medium of online television. We’re developing the Democracy internet TV platform so that watching internet video channels will be as easy as watching TV and broadcasting a channel will be open to everyone. Unlike traditional TV, everyone will have a voice. An alternative to mass media, and corporate controlled TV. Hundreds of “channels”. My favorite? Punkcast.com, of course. 😀 - Coffee By Design
Coffee By Design’s mission is to educate people about specialty coffee and to provide them with the best quality coffee beans available at our Micro Roastery and Coffeehouses in Portland, Maine. We take pride in our reputation for offering the highest quality products at a fair price as well as providing extraordinary service. Our goal is 100% customer satisfaction. Damn good coffe. Fairly local to me, only 3hrs away. Great seveice, and good pricing. I recommend the Rebel Blend Dark Roasted coffee. Not only because it’s good but because a portion of sales goes to Rebel Blend Arts Fund, which gives grants to artists. - My cowon IAudio M5 Portable Digital Audio Player.
Plays all formats. of audio files you can throw at it, holds 20GB worth of music(and just about any other kind of file, but you can only view text files, not pics, or anything else.) Works with Linux, since it’s basically just a porable hard drive with music playing software on it. - Download Punk
See my post on this fine site. - Ghostland Observatory
These guys actually beat out Exene Cervenka and Joan Jett (both of whom I love, and had new CDs out this year) because of their originality, and total coolness and independence. Try Piano Man from Paparazzi Lightning. - Musee Picasso in Barcelona
From my 2 month working excursion. My favorite thing, a great collection. See this post for more things. - Someone Comes to Town Someone Leaves Town by Cory Doctorow
This fine book beat out a couple of others as my fave read this year, for it’s absolute strangeness, and great writing. On the short list:
Neverwhere by Neil Gaiman
Driving with Shannon by S A Robinson
I thought I did a review of this, but I didn’t. It’s a semi-autobiographical memoir of a couple of teen age punk rockers trip cross country in the early eighties, a good, but not great book. - Eternal Gaze
A wonderful, animated short about the artist Alberto Giacometti
It even beat out How to draw a Bunny, for me. - My wife
Who continues towards her goal of being an RN, works a demanding job, and still loves me for who only knows what reason.
There’s really so much more like Cobh, Ireland, other bands, and download sites, my kids, my cats, my dad, ART books, not having internet for 2 months, Richard Dawkins, Keith Olberman, and many, many other things that I can’t think of, but, these are my top 10 cool things.
Art & Personality Quiz
Your results
Your favourite type of art is Japanese ukiyo-e.
In the personality profile you had a high intellectualism score, which suggests you like to think about abstract ideas and have a creative imagination.
People who are the same age and sex as you are most likely to prefer Impressionism
People who also score highly in your dominant personality trait are most likely to prefer Impressionism
I never seem to fit the curve. 🙂
Download Punk
Legal punk rock downloads? You betcha. Downloadpunk.com is where it’s at. More than 500 indie/punk labels (including Ian McKaye’s Dischord, Fat Wreck, Alternative Tentacles, and Beer City), most of your favorite punk bands (no not all, some notables are missing, like The Buzzcocks, Dead Milkmen, Gang Green, and Rollins Band, but most of the bands you’ve heard of, and some you haven’t, they’re there.) You won’t find Brittney, or Christine, or any of the top 40’s bands (thank goodness) but you will find Very Metal, the Ramones, Dead Kennedys, Jello Biafra, Government Issue, Minor Threat, SOA, Black Flag, Radio Birdman early Offspring, and Green Day, and more.
It’s $.79-$.99 per song, or $3.99-$10.99 per album. (it says in the FAQs $9.99, but I believe I did see one full album for $10.99) Watch for free downloads scattered here and there. It’s all DRM free, and comes in either MP3, or WMA formats, at bitrates of 192kbps. I’d like to see them offer Oggs also, since those formats aren’t Free, but, I can live with MP3s for now. You can, also, opt in to giving an additional 1% of your total purchase to one of several charities (explained here).
This is a great way to support indie/punk artists, and labels, the music is high quality, and _you can play it anywhere_.
I give these guys an A, and can’t wait to get a little more money and shop some more with them. I’d give them an A+ but besides the Ogg thing I have two problems with the site.
- Their sample player doesn’t work in Firefox on Linux (I don’t know why–it works in Opera, so maybe it’s not their fault.)
- No downloadable artwork/linernotes. I’d pay some extra money to get liner notes etc. I know nobody else does this either, but it would be a nice thing to have.
This is one of my favorite, cool things, I found in 2006. 😀