Another one for Whitechapel’s Remake/Remodel:
Category Archives: Art
Steampunk Batman
51st Birthday Self Portrait
Captain America Remake
Another remake for Warren Ellis’s Whitechapel.
Kirby Vacuum
Killer Girl Scout
All digital.
“Wanna cookie mister?”
Weird Tales Cover Remake
Yes another one for Whitechapel.
Berserker Wonder Woman
Did this for Warren Ellis’ Remake/Remodel. This quote was the impetus:
…Wonder Woman was able to further increase her strength. She was unable to remove her bracelets without going insane. In times of great need, however, she would do just that, in order to temporarily augment her power tenfold. Since she would become a threat to friend and foe alike, she would use Amazonian berserker rage only as a weapon of last resort…
So here it is. I took some scans of the stages, so here they are (click on pics to see bigger):
Paint the Town 2010
Some pages from a story
I just finished the artwork on this. Waiting for the writer to letter it. True Life written by E. T. Dollman, art by me.