The description below pretty much says it. Except that Dillard can really turn a phrase.
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The description below pretty much says it. Except that Dillard can really turn a phrase.
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A nice book of essays from Le Guin. Taken from her blog. The first section on aging is basically worth the price of the book.
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Jay Defeo worked on the massive painting, The Rose, for 8 years. When it was removed from her apartment, it basically went into storage for almost 30 years, before being restored and conserved by the Whitney museum.The artist never got to see her most famous piece hanging in a museum like she wanted. This book of essays, and photos, gives a good overview of The Rose’s and Jay Defeo’s place in art history.
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This is not a book, it’s a TOME. It’s 12x14x2 inches and you could kill a cat with it. I read Finch’s Chuck Close: Life before this, so there’s a lot that is already covered, but this book is worth it for the giant pictures, and more detail on process. This is the 2010 edition, there is a newer one that updates to 2014 (I think), but there doesn’t seem to be that much more in it, just a few more pages.
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This is a great Artist’s memoir, with nice art, and text that ties in history with biography and travel. It’s a fast read also.
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I saw this at Goodwill for $2, and thought I’d give it a try. Not for me. Basically it’s “Art (or spontaneous art rather process) as therapy”. There are better books on that, and also on using the process to make art. She focuses on spontaneous process, which is fine if you need to work through some stuff, but she doesn’t want you to show the result, because “it’s not important”, It’s just a product.
So kinda woo-woo, and not much there for an artist who wants to share an end result, which is what artists do, but if you are not a painter, and want to work on “creativity” you might get something out of this.
[showbookcover isbn=”0874778107″ display=”excerpt” action=”amazon”]
First book finished this year. Good advice on living and working. Take the tools you need, and leave the rest.
[showbookcover isbn=”B01HSMRWNU” display=”excerpt” action=”amazon”]
I read 41 books last year (not as many as I wanted, but not bad), here are my 10 favorites, in no particular order. These don’t include short or monthly comics, or art catalogues.
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