Monthly Archives: May 2011
Super Girl
A Wicked Little Town Part 4
Get it here: A Wicked Little Town
Remember 5 pages of goodness every Friday.
Also, I’m excited because we got a nice write-up over at CBR.
That made my morning when I got the email from K Patrick Glover about it.
A Wicked Little Town Part 3
is up right now.
Go read it, thank you.
Bookmarks for May 18th
Bookmarks for May 17th
Week 2 of “A Wicked Little Town”
Thought of You
For those of you who enjoyed the Google animated logo the other day, here’s something by the same animator.
And here’s a link to his website
Intellectual Property is Murder (or why pharmacuetical companies aren’t “free market”)
via Intellectual Property is Murder.
Those who claim that drug patents are necessary to recoup the expenses of developing drugs are wrong. The patent system skews R&D toward gaming the patent system rather than developing the most effective drugs. First of all, there has been a dramatic shift away from fundamentally new kinds of blockbuster drugs, because it’s much more cost-effective to put money into tweaking the formulas of drugs whose patents are about to expire just enough to qualify for repatenting them — so-called “me, too drugs.” Second, a great deal of the basic research on which drug development is based is carried out at government expense in publicly funded universities. Around half of the overall cost of drug R&D is taxpayer-funded. And in the United States, under the terms of legislation passed in the 1980s, the patents on drugs developed entirely at taxpayer expense are given away — free of charge — to the drug companies that produce and market them. Third, most of the actual R&D cost for developing drugs comes, not from testing the version of a drug actually marketed, but from securing patent lockdown on all the other major possible variants.