this is the finished product. A few minor changes from the last pic. Edition of 10

this is the finished product. A few minor changes from the last pic. Edition of 10
Or–avoiding working on today. Well, I’m think about it, even if I’m not physically working on it.
I think i’ve been convinced to leave it like this, and do an edition. We’ll see how I feel tomorrow. 😀
Johnny Cash Remixed
Her’s something coolio. Remixes of some classic J.C tunes. Some beats added, and rearrangements, and etc. The album is out today, and you can stream the tunes on the site.
as some readers may know. (and some may not) I think his work is insipid, and degrades art and the value of art.
Which is why I think this piece is funny:
4 the Love of Gold–Euginio Merino (click on pic for his website) “Damien Hirst suicides so that the value of his work will increase…”
PS The skull on the T-shirt is Hirst’s “4 the love of God” sculpture.
Satellite photos of Washington D.C. from yesterday’s inauguration.
Via PopSci
A quote from Jim Jarmusch, done up pretty.
I see I haven’t been blogging as much as I ‘d like (even though I am doing better than my 101 in 1001 goal.), so I thought I post a catching up post.
So, what have I been doing? In addition to working, and regular chores, and, today, watching it snow, I’ve been:
Andrew Wyeth, Painter, Dies at 91 –
He died early this morning. Nothing on his website yet, but I’m sure there will be more news about this later.
Marcel Duchamp (the dadda of Dada) today. (Which reminds me of Beatrice Wood–Mama of Dada, who I’ve mentioned here before.) Especially this work:
Mostly because I watched a documentary called Painters Painting which is about modern, abstract art, and some of the artists mention Duchamp as an influence, or at least someone who interested them (Rauschenberg and Johns in particular).
Now, I’m thinking of doing a couple of screenprints based on his bicycle Wheel (above). I’ve got one pretty well worked out.