Monthly Archives: December 2008
Well, I wasn’t wrong after all
Auto Makers to Get $17.4 Billion –
They got more money than they asked for, with fewer strings attached, and less oversite.
Oh, and who’s the “car czar”? The guy who’s supposed to watch over all this? why, our favorite bailout maven, who’s done such a fine job with the bank bailout–none other than Henry Paulson.
Here’s Mish’s take on it:
I wish someone would bail me out.
The Doors–People are Strange
Great video. Great art work.
People are strange from Denis Fongue on Vimeo.
George Brecht dies
George Brecht, Fluxus Artist-Provocateur, Dies at 82
Fluxus, the loosely affiliated international group of playful Conceptual artists that emerged in the early 1960s.
I have a tenuous connection to the Fluxus group though one of the professors at my Alma mater (UMO), Owen F. Smith
Some of his work, and some more.
Smith, also wrote Fluxus: The History of an Attitude
Getting it Wrong
This is a student music video. It’s amazing.
New Art Work
Moby Dick, or the Whale
Guess I shot my blog off too soon.
Rescue Bid for Detroit Collapses in Senate –
That’ll larn me.
The Corporate Welfare Continues
Washington Maps Pact for Bailout of Big Three –
(as does the nationalization of means of production–you folks don’t have to worry about Obama being a socialist, this government we’ve got now is right there, already.)
Meanwhile federal and state governments are cutting programs for the sick, the needy, and the children.
Merry christmas.
…I finished a portrait of jenny’s doctor, and her partner, today.
(The pic sucks, but you get the idea–Jenny has better ones.)