Collage on Paper
6×4 inches
Diederick Kraaijeveld (Oudhout/Oldwood, The Netherlands, 1963) builds classic and modern icons in vintage reclaimed wood; an Airstream trailer, a Porsche 911 or a pair of Chuck Taylors (All Star sneakers)…With sometimes century-old painted planks, salvaged during intensive trips along dumpsters, old Amsterdam canal mansions, run down farms and faraway coasts, Kraaijeveld “paints” photo-realistic images… His palette is not filled with paint in all its different colors: a huge warehouse full of old wooden planks forms the base of each work of art.
This is the ultimate in recycling/collage. Check out his gallery.
Here’s his Red All Stars:
Over a meter wide. He, also has done a blue version and is planning a black version.
Via Juxtapoz