Category Archives: Music

Monday Musings — 2SEP24

Well Nick Cave and the Bad Seeds newest album dropped last Friday. It’s beautiful and haunting. You can stream it In many different places. Like here:

and here:

Or buy the damn thing, you won’t regret it.

I’ve been in the studio more this past week. Working on the (long delayed) comic, and I’m making headway. I belong to a zoom group that meets between 9am and 11am weekdays, that is helping me keep up with the script writing, which I was having problems with. The group keeps me kinda accountable, but of course, there are days I have appointments and can’t join in. Most afternoons are spent in the studio, penciling pages, which sometimes goes well, and sometimes: not so much. 🙂

Today is Labor Day in the US and Canada.

The best union is the Wobblies (IWW), you can join them even if your workplace isn’t organized.

That’s it for today. Check out my other posts from last week to see some cool art.

Remember that you have good days and bad days. With help from others the good days can outnumber the bad ones. Find those people who can help you to make them good.

Monday Musings — 22JAN24

From a commencement speech at Harvard by Charlie Munger (How to Guarantee a Life of Misery):

The rest is pretty good too.

Free to listen on Spotify, or get the ones that have been released on Bandcamp:

A link filled Monday, of stuff that interested me this week. Not much musing going on is there. Just wanted to share good stuff. We all need that don’t we. See you next week.