A rosy start to the day. Good morning. Chemo in a hour and then waiting for Stanley steemer to come clear out their stuff.
A rosy start to the day. Good morning. Chemo in a hour and then waiting for Stanley steemer to come clear out their stuff.
Early morning.
Had the sunroom tore apart yesterday. Dehumidifier running for next couple days and house in disarray.
This fucking cold. That is all.
Just a pic to show how much snow we got. Farmer’s market today. Still have a cold, I hope the antibiotics help to at least keep me from getting pneumonia.
Snowy day today. Supposed to get 3-5 inches. We’ll see. So stay in and watch it snow, and work on bookshelves and chores. Still coughing my lungs out. Had to sleep in chair half the night.
No agenda today. Put bookshelves together, maybe. Feeling a little better after thoracentesis yesterday, and Oliver doing better. Also my project is coming along just some design decisions to make.
Oliver not feeling good after surgery yesterday. Seems a little better this morning, at least he’s eating. As for me I have a thorosentis this morning and then need to pick up meds. I hope the thorosentis gets rid of this cough. Then maybe bookshelf stuff if I feel okay